The four forms of wisdom are the great mirror wisdom of Aksobhya,
the universal wisdom of Ratnaketu, the profound observing wisdom
of Amitabha, and the perfecting wisdom of Amoghasiddhi.
The great mirror wisdom of Aksobhya has evolved from the alayavijnana,
the storehouse of all seeds of consciousness; the universal
wisdom of Ratnaketu, from klista-mano-vijnana, reasoning; the profound
observing wisdom of Amitabha, from the sixth consciousness or
intellect; and the perfecting wisdom of Amoghasiddhi, from the first to
the fifth consciousness or seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touch.
An enlightened practitioner verging on Buddhahood wholly transforms
the eight kinds of consciousness into four forms of wisdom. Such is
the competency uniquely of the Buddha.