Having done wrong, what to do?


No virtue surpasses the ability to change after doing something wrong.

Thus knowing, amend own path. Repent with utmost sincerity before

the Buddha and bodhisattva images; seek resonance. Refrain from ever

committing the same again.

Seven hundred years after the Buddha entered nirvana came the era of

sastra masters Asanga and Vasubandhu. Master Asanga was teacher of

the Mahayana doctrine and master Vasubandhu, the Hinayana. The two

had not been on the best of terms. Finally, Asanga invited Vasubandhu

over. That night, Vasubandhu stayed in the quarter adjacent to the main

hall, where he was enabled to hear Asanga' s nightly lecture. At the end

of one month, Vasubandhu awakened to the realization of his former

misinterpretation of the Mahayana doctrine. He presented himself

to Asanga in the main hall asking for forgiveness, and, in profound

repentance, cut off his own tongue. Asanga, in response, pronounced:

 ‘In the past, you used your tongue to rebuke the audience. From

now on, you are going to use your tongue to spread the Mahayana.

What a progress!’

Vasubandhu thereafter continued teaching the Hinayana whilst

spreading the Mahayana. He also became a proficient literary author

celebrated as the Thousand-volume Sastra Master.