Neither about emptiness nor about nothingness, the word void—sunya
in Sanskrit, kong in Chinese transliteration—in the sutras connotes but
nonexistence of self-nature. For there in Buddhism is one formula-like
principle: cause + condition = effect. Cause pertains to primary
determinant and condition to accessory agent, life itself inclusive.
All things only come to be when multiple conditions harmonize, like a
seed—as quintessential cause—needing soil, light, fresh air, water,
fertilizing, time, and the right season to grow into a sapling, to flower,
and to fruit. All things that come to be with multiple conditions
harmonizing carry a functioning principle:
‘Arising when conditions assemble;
Annihilation when conditions scatter.’
Inherently, nothing is by nature dominating or unchanging; nor is
there ever any such thing as independence or permanence. For life
is about birth, aging, sickness, and death, and all insentient objects
about formation, abidance, deterioration, and nonexistence. Void,
thus perceived in the worldly truth, is the final product from all extents
of time.