The three studies are vinaya or discipline, samadhi or meditation,
and prajna or wisdom, all of them prerequisites in the cultivation
and learning of exit from the worldly ways.
Discipline pertains to prohibitions against evil karma generated
via body, mouth, and thought. The Buddha deems it adamant to
execute discipline in a threefold practice via, first, precepts covering
all proper conduct, second, precepts covering all virtuous ways, and
third, precepts benefiting all living beings. Conclusively, be committed
to benefiting—not hurting—self and another. In other words:
‘Commit no evil,
Practice all good,
Purify the mind,
Such is Buddhism.’
Precepts covering all proper conduct particularly denote committing
by way of competence, financial means, knowledge, and socioeconomical
clout to bring upon the needy expedience and satisfaction.
Meditation pertains to attainment of peace and quiet in mind.
Erroneous thoughts cease to arise; negative moods dissipate; the
three poisons—greed, anger, and ignorance—exist no more. Lightness
On the teaching of the sutras and peace in body and mind together with peace and quiet at heart
empower us to resolve all negative emotions and behavior.
Wisdom pertains to choice. With wisdom, virtue actualizes and evil
terminates, intelligent contemplations be amassed and cultivation
perfected, and hence ultimate wisdom—termed ultimate prajna—
be realized.
The three studies—discipline, meditation, and wisdom—pertain to
the method and goal of all Buddhist practitioners. Observance of the
precepts results in attainment of samadhi, of ultimate prajna and,
eventually, of nonleaking fruit of the Buddha Way, that is, nirvana.
Practiced together, myriad virtues are complete.